Bluff (Pt. 1,129) in front of (southwest) of Mt. Distin
Collins and I went back to Twin Mt. for the M3 that had been denied us due to the freezing off of our derrieres related in an earlier post, but by the time we got back on a Sunday morning, a chinook had sprung, and we couldn't cross the Snake like we had the first time. So we thumbed our noisy hideous mobiles on down the Glacier Creek Road to that old standby, Distin Bluff, a quartzite ridge of some geological sort lying southwest of Mt. Distin.
A conundrum fell upon us: whether to utilize the brutally-heavy climbing equipment we had lugged up from our machines to the base of the cliff, or simply boulder around like sprightly little spirits. We had learned from previous frostbite: Ropes stayed inside the pack. Axes, helmet, and crampons came out.
Did I mention it was cold? Well, yes. Lunatic cold. Pure undiluted Allapa. However, these little south-facing cliffs have a pleasant way of providing little sunny safe havens where you can hang out under the warm mothering influence of the stone.
Later, Jeff and I ran west a klik over to Silver Creek to check if there was ice, and, Saints Preserve Us!, there was. We soloed Grade I, pretending we were big shots. Thwack went the dinner-plates.
Earp starting M-1 solo, Distin
We saddled up my ponies, .570 Bearcat and good old .340 Polaris. Town had been a complicated escape. We roared off with my note to Kristine reading: 1. Glacial Lake 2. Mt. Distin, back by tomorrow at 11:00, will G-Spot you my love. Always put tomorrow for your return time even though you will be dead by then- better than having THEM come for you. KOW
Did I mention it was cold that day? Yes. Bitterly. Allapa. Little orthoscopic knives penetrated my swaddling face masks. It was only regular allapa on the way out there, —15° F, a breeze out of the north at 5 to 15. The incredibly tough Earp was game to continue on into the Kigs, so we thundered past Mt. Distin, down into the spreading plains of the Stewart River, west across the sprawl of the Sinuk (upon whose totally bare ice I lucked out unscathed for the 22.3 x 10^5 time in my life, getting thrown from my horse on a spin-out. Need studs.)
There was no question of climbing the gneiss face (Peak 2740, "Glacial Lake Peak") we had come to bag that rose majestically in front of us. There was no question of turning off the machines. "So?" screamed Earp over the murderous wind, "Time to get out of here!" It must have had something to do with the fact that Glacial Lake is an orographic pressure valve between the Imruk Basin and the Norton Sound, and that the colder flow sinks to the bottom.
We returned to Distin and had a splendid day on the Bluff, not thinking for a few hours about our fortunes actively deteriorating in town.
Whack of frozen turf not quite the same as whack of water ice, but both vibrations are equally reassuring when you are thirty feet or more, yes, she's thirty feet or more. A torque into the monolithic here, a hook of frozen flake there, she's telling herself, try not to care, try not to care. This sideways foot is all I have, scuttle on by, scuttle on by....
We do not fool ourselves that this activity is any more pointless than creating big toxic sludge ponds to obtain the yellow metal.